

Fitness Bae is based in Harare, Zimbabwe. An Online Run Coach, owner of #RunWithFitnessBae, Writer and Fitness Blogger. She was recently awarded for her blogging by the first ever Zimbabwe Blog Awards for Fitness 2017/2018. Her blog aims to help those around her achieve their health and fitness goals in an engaging and cost-effective manner. Having being overweight herself; in 2014 Fitness Bae decided to do something about it and set out on a journey to get in a little exercise whenever her body chose to cooperate and hopefully lose 5kgs. She was pleasantly surprised when she had actually lost 10kgs by the end of the year! It was at this point that the Fitness Bae movement was birthed nearly 4 years ago. Over the years she has transformed non active individuals into beginner, intermediate and some have even become advanced runners. Her blogging and fitness journey which has earned her a strong social media presence has enabled her to partner with different brands which include Golden Pilsener, Steward Health, ZiFM Stereo, and UnPluggedZim. The one unique thing about Fitness Bae is that she never set foot in the gym throughout her weight loss journey. All the fruits of her labour were a combination of at home and outdoor workouts.

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