Source: An amazing day of learning & meeting new people at WordCamp Harare 2016 (Pictures) – Techzim
All posts by thabotswana
If you attended WordCamp Harare, we would love to hear what you thought about the whole event! Please take just a minute out of your day to fill in the follow-up survey here:… #wchre
We still have tickets left to sell and some of you have asked about paying at the door. So we will be accepting registrations at the venue. Please note – once these are gone, they are gone. Then registration will be closed.
So don’t miss out on
- a cool t-shirt
- WordPress related swag
- the after party to be held at Club Afrique International in the NetOne Building
See you there!
Alternative Payment Method
Good news, Harare! We noticed that some people have been having problems registering on the website. So we have been authorized to offer another option.
If you do not have a PayPal account, you can make a deposit of $6.00 into our FBC bank account, and then we will send you a unique single-use coupon code after you have done that.
Just fill out a MasterCard PREPAID DEPOSIT SLIP at FBC Bank and enter the following details:
Prepaid Card Number: 5333 0300 1006 8702
Card Holder’s Cell Number: 0772 771949
Then send an email to with the proof of deposit.
It’s as simple as that! No more excuses to miss out. Get your ticket today!
We’ve noticed that some of you are failing to purchase your WordCamp tickets. The purchasing process is handled through PayPal so, if you don’t already have a PayPal account, you should be prompted to create one. Creating an account is very simple – just fill out the short form with your card details and you’re done! If you don’t have a card, apparently Ecocash have a virtual card you can get for 50 cents.
We talked to one of the attendees, Beaton Mabaso, and he advised us not to use the Opera Mini browser because it won’t complete the transaction. He recommends using a desktop or laptop instead.
Don’t miss out on WordCamp Harare 2016! For $6.00, the best bargain all year!
Announcing Our Speakers!
We’re pleased to welcome our speakers for the first ever WordCamp Harare! See the full schedule of the event and get your tickets now if you haven’t purchased them yet! Continue reading Announcing Our Speakers!
20 Reasons To Attend a WordCamp – WordPress Tavern

WordCamp Harare 2016: Tickets Available Now!
WordCamp Harare is the first WordCamp ever to be held in Zimbabwe and this year’s event is December 10th. Tickets are available now! Continue reading WordCamp Harare 2016: Tickets Available Now!

Welcome to WordCamp Harare 2016!
We are so excited to have our very first WordCamp ever in Zimbabwe! WordCamp Harare will be on the 10th of December 2016 at the Harare City Library.
We are extremely grateful to the WordPress Community Team for making this happen! This would not be possible without them. Get ready for a day of great talks and learning about all things WordPress!
Subscribe using the form in the sidebar to stay up to date on the most recent news. Tickets will be on sale soon!